"These [in Berea] were more fair-minded than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so." - Acts 17:11

(6) So he answered and said to me:
" This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel:
" Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,"
Says the LORD of hosts.

New King James Version copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

This verse is often quoted when speaking of doing the work of God, and doing so follows a correct spiritual principle. When God does something, it is not done through physical strength. It is interesting that might literally means "arms," and power refers to physical activity. The work of God is not going to be done through feats of arms, military victories, or anything that requires physical fighting or contention. Nor can it be accomplished by any amount of physical activity.

As much work and effort as men put into it, they are not what will get God's work done properly. They will be helpful, certainly, because God works though men, and men must exert themselves in order to do God's will. Nevertheless, He says clearly here that all the credit goes to His Spirit. God Himself is at work! Our job is to submit, to do the things that must be done. We must do what the Spirit directs us to do, but God will receive the credit, not us. We could do none of these works by our own means.

God gives the ability. He gives the inspiration, the strength, and the endurance. He opens the doors. He supplies the manpower, the money, and the other resources to go through those doors. He supplies favor so that the doors can be opened. We merely walk through them.

We could say that God's work is an act of grace. It is a kind of oxymoron to say that work is done by grace, since we think of work and grace as two extremes, but they are not! What comes first? The grace comes first: God grants favor and gives gifts, then the work is done. So where is the glory? It appears in the grace. The effort comes afterward and accomplishes God's will.

— Richard T. Ritenbaugh

To learn more, see:
The Two Witnesses (Part Four)



Gift of the Holy Spirit

Gifts of God

God's Holy Spirit

God's Will

God's Will, Harmony with

God's Work

God's Working through Men

God's Workmanship

Grace and Work Complementary

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit as God's Creative Power

Holy Spirit as Power

Spiritual Gifts


Submission to God

Submission to God's Will

Work and Grace Complementary

Work Of God

Workmanship, God's

Yielding to God

Yielding to God's Will

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